Books Business

Outliers: The Story of Success

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Author: Malcolm Gladwell

My recommendation: 5/5


Amazing book that sheds light into the hidden aspects of how people blame successful across all industries and professions.

My Takeaways

  • There is a strong correlation between a person’s culture and how they behave. 
  • Being born in the right place at the right time is a more likely explanation of a person’s success than simply just hard work. It’s a combo. 
  • Slowing down allows teachers to cover more in the NYC public school example. Not feeling rushed for time allows more “practice reps”.
  • Putting in 10,000 hours of work is the magic number to be considered a master in a specific skill. 
  • Successful people had more opportunities to practice and get better at what they were doing. (i.e. Bill Gates, Bill Joy and The Beatles) to get to the magic 10,000 hours of practice.
  • Our societal structure has systems and process in place (and has been for years) that don’t give equal opportunities for all people to reach a successful level and prosper.
  • Successful people are very much the products of particular environments and circumstances that occur throughout history – as well as the culture that was handed down to them.