Books Business Investing

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth

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Author: T. Harv Eker

My recommendation: 3/5


Although this book was a bit preachy, I found that there were worthwhile tips and tricks that one can adopt to develop a wealth mindset. This book is the kick in the pants you need in order to start transforming your thoughts and habits around money.

My Takeaways

  • People’s past experiences subconsciously influence money decisions 
  • People who blame others and act as victims self sabotage themselves. 
  • Choose to think and play big. Thinking small will get you a comfortable living. Thinking big will help you get wealthy. 
  • Wealthy entrepreneurs solve people’s problems on a large scale. 
  • Don’t be afraid of self promotion. If you’re confident that your product can help people, then share it. 
  • Rich people focus on solutions, poor people focus on problems. 
  • Wealthy people should be open to receive in order to give to others. 
  • Get paid based on business results. Not hourly wages.
  • Take advantage of tax write incentives as a business owner
  • Rich people think in terms of abundance instead of scarcity. 
  • Learn how to manage money by properly saving and investing. 
  • Have a “spend” account to balance the savings account. 
  • Be comfortable with being uncomfortable.
  • Rich people learn from other rich people who have real world results. 
  • Rich people are constantly learning to grow and don’t think they know everything.

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